Artifact Features

From Tool to Artifact: Unveiling the History of a Fire Axe

25 Artifacts: Music from NORAD

(6/25) On June 27, we celebrated the Diefenbunker’s 25th anniversary! In honour of this milestone, we continue to highlight 25 artifacts from within our collections. This week, we are featuring two vinyl records from the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD)....

Music from NORAD vinyl record cover from the Diefenbunker's collections.

25 Artifacts: Canadian Civil Defence College Photograph

(5/25) In honour of the Diefenbunker’s 25th anniversary, we continue to highlight 25 artifacts from within our collections. This week, we are featuring a photograph from the Canadian Civil Defence College from our archives. In the early 1950s, following the Second...

Canadian Civil Defence College Photograph

25 Artifacts: Emergency Measures Organization Map

(4/25) In honour of the Diefenbunker’s 25th anniversary, we continue to highlight 25 artifacts from within our collections. This week, we are featuring an Emergency Measures Organization map. This artifact feature is of particular importance as this week, from May...

Emergency Measures Organization map

25 Artifacts: Blue Beret

(3/25) In honour of the Diefenbunker’s 25th anniversary, we continue to highlight 25 artifacts from within our collections. This week, we are featuring a military beret from the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (RCCS).  Originally established as a militia support...

Blue beret from within the Diefenbunker's collections.

25 Artifacts: Admission and Discharge Book

(2/25) In honour of the Diefenbunker’s 25 anniversary, we continue to highlight 25 artifacts from within our collections. This week, we are featuring the Department of National Health and Welfare’s civil defence first-aid station log, from 1966. Acquired by the...

Admission and Discharge Book from the Diefenbunker's collections.

25 Artifacts: I am a Woman for Peace

(1/25) Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day. Annually, on this day, we celebrate the social, economical, cultural, and political achievements of women from around the world. As part of the Diefenbunker’s 25th anniversary, we will be highlighting 25...

Tracking Temperatures with the Tempscribe Thermometer

As the weather gets chillier, both outside and underground, we decided that there was no better artifact to feature for the end of November than the Tempscribe Thermometer.  Produced between 1960 and 1990, the Tempscribe Thermometer is a chart reading thermometer...

The Tempscribe Thermometer

The Concrete Cores of the Diefenbunker

With August coming to an end, we would like to highlight one more artifact from within our collection for Archaeology Month. This blog post will discuss the concrete cores of the Diefenbunker and will examine their archaeological and architectural impact. ...

Rebar and the innerworkings of the Diefenbunker mid-construction.

The Atom Struck Tile: A Representation of Tragedy and Peace

  This past week marked the 77th anniversaries of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In commemoration of these catastrophic events, and in conjunction with Archaeology Month, we wish to highlight a relevant artifact in the Diefenbunker’s collection: The...

Atom Struck Tile pictured in open box. The Tile is inscribed and reads "Forgive and Forget."

Artifact of the Month: The Blast Tunnel

The Blast Tunnel was designed to divert the force of an explosion away from the main part of the bunker. In the event of a nuclear explosion, anything inside of the tunnel would have been destroyed.Building the Blast Tunnel Laying the concrete floorThe finished...

Blast Tunnel descending into the background.
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