Alumni Association
The Diefenbunker (more properly called the Central Emergency Government Headquarters or Canadian Forces Station Carp) was constructed between 1959 and 1961 and remained in operation until 1994.
Designed to serve as a protected headquarters for the Federal Government in the event of a nuclear war, the Central Emergency Government Headquarters was constructed to house 535 persons, including the Prime Minister and the Governor General in a locked-down condition for up to thirty days. A wide range of government operations were catered for within the bunker including a War Cabinet; up to 20 departments and agencies; an Emergency Broadcast capability run by the CBC; and a vault in which to store Canada’s gold reserves.
Supporting this principal design function, the Diefenbunker also served as an important node in the Canadian Forces strategic telecommunications system. Approximately 100 military personnel were on site 24/7 for the life of the Diefenbunker, manning this telecommunications responsibility. This function of the facility and the personnel who served it, became Canadian Forces Carp. In addition to the bunker in Carp, there were a number of supporting facilities in the region and across the country. Taken as a whole, they comprised Canada’s Continuity of Constitutional Government Program during the Cold War.
Alumni list
See the complete list of Alumni Association Members.
A word of gratitude
The Diefenbunker Alumni Association is grateful to the Diefenbunker: Canada’s Cold War Museum for giving us this space on its web site and for the encouragement it has provided to the establishment of the Association.
Categories of Alumni
Those personnel, military or civilian, who served in the Diefenbunker or one of the associated facilities, during their operational lives.
Those personnel, military or civilian, who served in positions, government or private, that were closely associated with the operation of the Diefenbunker and/or the other related facilities, during their operational lives.
Those persons who were instrumental in preserving the Diefenbunker as a museum after its operational life ended.
For more information
For all enquiries pertaining to the Alumni Association, please contact Art Barr at [email protected] or call 613‑831‑7158 or 613-884-7158.
Enquiries about the Alumni Association are not to be directed to the Diefenbunker Museum.